9th OpenSolaris Irish User Group meeting


Yesterday was the 9th OpenSolaris Irish User Group, Eoin Hughes, Michal Pryc and me gave an introduction OpenSolaris presentation for Linux users. Eoin covered the file system layout, with special emphasis on the /devices fs and SMF (the sysvinit replacement for OpenSolaris), I covered networking and storage, explaining the ZFS basics and the coolest features, after that, Michal gave an enlightening ZFS demo, showing the ease of use and goodness of if.

It was my first English presentation ever, although I had a good feedback from people, I feel that I still need to improve both pronunciation and flowness while I speak and it was even more obvious up there.

Germany Trip

I’ve been here for a whole month already, back then, it was the first time that I left Spain. One of the first things people at work told me when I started, is that there are is a trip to Germany with the SunRay team (the one that I’m working in). "Let me settle!" I thought. The trip is this weekend, I’m going to somewhere in the country side of Hamburg, to do some canoing and met the team’s German guys. It would be a good opportunity to put some faces on some already familiar names.

Regarding the Open Sourcing of apoc, I need some time to arrange some ideas before to start blogging about the project, the good thing is, that I’ve been encouraged to talk about it here, so be ready for some free software spam.

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