GNOME Developer Experience Hackfest

Hello everyone,

I've had a few conversations with Allan Day about the developer story in GNOME and we came up with the conclusion that there are many areas where this needs work to keep GNOME attractive as an application developer platform.

Hence, I'd like to propose a developer experience hackfest at some point in 2013. This is a call to check who would be up for such hackfest.

My initial suggestion is to focus on three main lines of work:

  • Tooling (Anjuta, Monodevelop, Glade, application bundling, intltool, gtk-doc, autofoo and friends…) 
  • Developer docs and mindshare (unified online/offline API reference UI, app developer community building…)
  • Further platform needs (check for missing APIs or improvements to full fill requirements for modern applications, e.g. simple HTTP access, a collection API for GObject, better MVC widgets based on such collection API)

People/skills I'd like to see:

  • People from the design team.
  • Anjuta, Glade, devhelp, nemiver and Monodevelop people.
  • People working on application bundles, introspection and bindings.
  • People willing to help on the documentation tooling.
  • Web hackers (frontend/backend)
So if you are interested in attending (no dates venue yet, I'll try to arrange a venue/date that fits well with the attendee list), please put your name here:

If you require sponsorship, please state so in the comments section. I first need a list of people before I can request sponsorship to the foundation.

If there's anyone willing to provide a venue and help with the organization, please get in touch with me!

Any other input, is welcome. Happy hacking!